What to Do if You Get a DWI In Texas?

DWI In Texas

Having a Houston DWI lawyer is vital if you are facing charges related to driving under the influence. It can be difficult to navigate the Houston court system without an attorney, and a misstep can cost you thousands of dollars, your license, and even your freedom. Houston DWI lawyers have the experience and knowledge needed to build a strong defense against DWI charges.

If you were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Texas, you may need a Houston DWI Lawyer to protect your legal rights. Texas law prohibits driving while intoxicated and carries stiff penalties. Depending on the severity of the offense, the consequences of DWI can vary greatly. The penalty for a first-time offender can be as low as one day in jail, while a repeat offender can face up to two years in jail.

One of the most important questions you will ask after being arrested for DWI is whether you will lose your license. This can be extremely important if you have responsibilities and need to drive to work or school. It can also prevent you from getting to social activities, such as family gatherings. If this happens, you'll need a Houston DWI Lawyer to make sure you can get back on the road as soon as possible.

Your Houston DWI Lawyer should review your case and gather all the facts. The charges you are facing may be overturned if the police missed important details or if there is another mistake that the police made. An experienced Houston DWI attorney can help you protect your rights and avoid the worst outcome. You may even be able to get the charges dismissed altogether or reduced to a minor infraction.

Depending on the type of DWI that you received, the penalty can range from a fine of up to $10,000 to two years in prison. In addition to jail time, you can lose your job, your driver's license, and a criminal record. If you have been arrested for DWI in Houston, the penalties can be severe. Contact a Houston DWI Lawyer for legal assistance today!

What is an ALR Hearing?

An ALR Hearing is a hearing that occurs in a civil court. The process is much more formal and stringent than a criminal court, and missed deadlines or mistakes in court procedures can cost you dearly. Therefore, a lawyer should be consulted to help you navigate this process.

ALR hearings are held by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Before you can request an ALR hearing, you must prove that you were arrested for DUI or DWI, and that the officer had reasonable suspicion to make the arrest. Additionally, the officer must be able to prove that you consented to the breathalyzer test or blood test and that your BAC was over the legal limit. You must also request a hearing within 15 days of receiving the ALR.

You must request an ALR hearing within 15 days of your arrest. If you fail to do so, your license will be suspended for up to two years. This will depend on the number of prior DWIs you've had and whether you refused to submit to chemical testing. Once you've requested the hearing, the Department of Public Safety will write you a letter with the hearing information. Until your hearing, you can drive with a temporary license.

During an ALR hearing, you and your attorney will present your case to the Administrative Law Judge. This is an important hearing because it gives you a chance to challenge the evidence presented by the state and to argue your side of the story. It is also the opportunity for you to fight the suspension of your driver's license. The state will dispute any arguments presented by your attorney and it will be difficult to win without solid evidence.

First Time DWI Charge In Houston

When faced with a first time DWI charge in Houston, it is vital that you contact a qualified and experienced lawyer. An attorney with experience fighting criminal charges will know how to approach your case in the best way possible. Whether you are facing a misdemeanor, felony, or DUI charge, an experienced lawyer will help you decide what options are available to you.

In Texas, a first offense DWI is classified as a misdemeanor. As such, it usually carries the least severe penalties. However, you should keep in mind that your sentence will vary depending on your unique situation. The maximum sentence for a first offense in Texas is two to 180 days in jail. In some cases, you may also be required to undergo community service. Depending on your case, your court may also order you to use an ignition interlock device.

In Texas, the blood alcohol content (BAC) limit is 0.08%. In most cases, the first-time DWI offender will be sentenced to a misdemeanor of varying severity. These offenses are much less serious than felonies and carry fines ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

If your BAC is under the legal limit, your DWI case may be dismissed. However, if you are under the legal drinking age, you may not be eligible to participate in alcohol education classes. Taking these classes will help you avoid a suspended license if you are convicted of a first offense. Your DWI attorney will be able to review all the evidence with you and recommend the best defense strategies. Be wary of a DWI attorney who tries to settle your case by resolving it before all evidence is available.

Second DWI In Houston

In Texas, a Second DWI is a Class "A" misdemeanor. A second conviction can result in a mandatory jail sentence of six months to one year, up to $4,000 in fines, and community service. You may also be required to install an interlock device on your vehicle, which requires you to breath into a machine before you can start it. These consequences will vary depending on the circumstances of the case and your previous criminal record.

The sentence for a second DWI in Houston is similar to a first offense. The sentence for a second offense is usually between six days and one year in jail. You may also face fines and fees related to court appearances, ignition interlock devices, counseling, and administrative proceedings. In some cases, you may also be placed on probation for two years or more.

Regardless of the circumstances of your case, it is important to hire an aggressive DWI defense attorney. Mark Thiessen of The Thiessen Law Firm is experienced in handling second-degree DUI cases. He has a proven track record of winning complex cases. His aggressive defense tactics have resulted in a Not Guilty verdict for clients in difficult cases. The Thiessen Law Firm specializes in complex DWI cases and is committed to protecting its clients.

If you have been charged with a second DWI in Houston, it is important to seek the counsel of a knowledgeable DWI attorney. If the prosecution's case is more complex, the defense may have a better chance of obtaining a "not guilty" verdict. While a conviction is a felony, the right DWI attorney can challenge the state's evidence and make you the victim of a lesser punishment.

Third DWI In Houston

A conviction for a third DWI in Houston can result in a number of penalties. Depending on the severity of your crime, you may be sentenced to a fine of $4,000, up to a year in jail, 80-200 hours of community service, and a suspended license for 18 months or two years. In some cases, you may also be ordered to complete a DWI education course and a substance abuse evaluation. Depending on the type of DWI you committed, you may also be ordered to undergo a rehabilitation program or installation of an ignition interlock device.

If you are facing a third DWI in Houston, it is critical to hire an experienced DWI lawyer. In addition to being experienced in court, a good lawyer will be able to provide comprehensive defense strategy. Attorney Doug Murphy is a Board Certified expert in both criminal and DWI defense law. As one of only two attorneys in the state of Texas with this distinction, he is familiar with the intricacies of handling these types of cases.

While a third DWI charge can result in jail time, it is possible to get the charges reduced to misdemeanor levels. The likelihood of this happening depends on the details of the case and your background. However, a conviction for a third DWI in Houston is a felony and carries a maximum sentence of 2-10 years in Texas jail. The consequences for such a felony can be devastating. You will need a seasoned Houston DWI attorney to protect your rights and your freedom.

Texas DWI Laws

The Texas DWI Laws prohibit driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or more. In addition, underage drinking is illegal, and the state has a zero-tolerance policy. Drunk driving is a serious crime that kills over 10,000 people every year, and the penalties can be extremely severe. For a first offense, the fines can be as high as $10,000, and a conviction can negatively impact your car insurance rates.

In Texas, a driver who refuses to take a breathalyzer test can face a 90-day suspension of their license. They can also be prosecuted for refusing to submit to testing, but it will depend on their record. However, if you're a first-time offender, you may qualify for a reduced charge, or even a no-contest plea. In addition, qualifying first-time offenders can get a deferred adjudication, which allows the prosecution to dismiss the case after a certain amount of probation is completed.

Regardless of how much alcohol you've consumed, the amount of alcohol that will put you over the legal limit is based on the person's gender, height, weight, and other factors. The amount of alcohol required to reach this limit is dependent on the person's gender, body size, and previous convictions.

A first-time DWI offense in Texas carries a Class B misdemeanor penalty. First-time offenders face a minimum of 72 hours in jail and a fine of $2,000 to $4,000, and they may be required to complete community service. First-time offenders may also be placed under probation and must complete special educational courses to keep their license valid.

The Butler Law Firm is 100% DWI Focused. With over 29 years experience, and a proven track record of success in the courtroom defending DWI breath test cases, DWI blood test cases, DWI cases involving accidents, and DWI cases where impairment by drugs is alleged, the Butler Law firm is here, ready, and capable of defending your charges. Call us at (713) 236-8744 and see what we can do to start helping you today!

Butler Law Firm - The Houston DWI Lawyer
11500 Northwest Fwy Suite 400, Houston, TX 77092
RGFH+6F Central Northwest, Houston, TX