Driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous for both you and other motorists. It’s estimated that about one in five drivers will have a drink before getting behind the wheel. If you’ve ever considered driving drunk, you know that you’re taking a huge risk. If you get pulled over for drunk driving, you could face a number of consequences, including jail time, fines, and a damaged reputation. That’s why so many convicted drunk drivers choose to install an ignition interlock device as part of their sentence. These devices, also known as breathalyzer interlocks, require the driver to blow into a breathalyzer and wait a certain amount of time before being allowed to start the car. If you’ve been convicted of drunk driving in the past and are looking at ways to avoid a jail sentence, interlock devices are a great option. Here’s what you need to know about interlock devices and how they work.

How do interlock devices work?

An interlock device is a small, portable breathalyzer that’s installed in the car’s ignition. The device measures the amount of alcohol in the driver’s breath and then automatically turns the car off after a pre-set amount of time. Most interlock devices will shut off the car after just a few seconds if the driver has a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.08 or higher. The device will also shut off if the driver has been drinking but hasn’t yet reached a BAC level of 0.08. This is a huge safety benefit for drivers and other motorists, since an interlock device can prevent a drunk driver from starting the car and endangering others. It’s important to note that an interlock device will not prevent a person from driving if they’re under the legal limit of 0.08. The device simply shuts off the car if the driver is above that threshold.

Why are interlock devices so important?

The main benefit of interlock devices is that they help prevent drunk drivers from operating a vehicle. This is especially important in cases where the driver has a BAC level of 0.05 or below, since they may not register on a standard breathalyzer. This means that a person who is under the influence of alcohol may be able to drive without ever being caught. An interlock device, on the other hand, requires the driver to blow into the device and wait a certain amount of time before being able to start the car. This gives the driver time to sober up, preventing them from putting themselves and others at risk.Interlock devices also help prevent people with a history of drunk driving from recidivism. Research shows that people who use interlock devices are far less likely to get behind the wheel after being convicted of drunk driving. This is because the devices provide an added layer of safety that helps deter drivers from getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. The devices also help prevent convicted drunk drivers from obtaining a new license and getting behind the wheel once more.

How do interlock devices help prevent drunk driving?

Interlock devices are a major tool for preventing drunk driving. Since the devices are installed in the driver’s car, they provide an added layer of safety that prevents people from getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol. This is especially important in cases where the driver has a BAC level of 0.05 or below, since they may not register on a standard breathalyzer.Interlock devices are also beneficial in cases where the driver has a BAC level above 0.05 but below 0.08. This means that the driver may not register on a standard breathalyzer, but the interlock device will prevent them from starting the car. The device can also be helpful in cases where the driver has a BAC level above 0.08. This is because the device will still prevent the driver from starting the car and endangering others.

Dangers of driving without an interlock device

While interlock devices are a great tool for preventing drunk driving, they don’t prevent all accidents. In fact, statistics show that drunk driving accidents remain relatively unchanged despite the presence of interlock devices. This is because people can still drive drunk and avoid detection by using “ghost rides” or “deadhead” services. These services provide rides for passengers who don’t have a ride of their own. Since the passengers don’t have a driver, they don’t have to worry about being pulled over for drunk driving.The presence of interlock devices doesn’t prevent passengers from drinking alcohol before getting in the car. Since the devices don’t measure the passenger’s breath, they can still drink alcohol and drive. This means that passengers can still drive drunk, putting the driver and other passengers at risk. In fact, statistics show that interlock devices are only effective in preventing about 80% of driving while intoxicated cases. This means that about 20% of drunk drivers will still get behind the wheel after being detected by an interlock device.

When is an interlock device required?

Interlock devices are a great tool for preventing drunk driving. However, they’re only effective if the driver is required to use the device and can’t drive without it. If you’ve been convicted of drunk driving in the past and are looking at ways to avoid a jail sentence, you may be required to install an interlock device as part of your sentence.The exact requirements will depend on the state where you live, but most states require an interlock device if you’ve been convicted of drunk driving more than once. This is because the devices help prevent drivers from getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol. If you’ve been convicted of drunk driving and your license has been suspended or revoked, you may be required to install an interlock device as part of your sentence.


Driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous for both you and other motorists. It’s estimated that about one in five drivers will have a drink before getting behind the wheel. If you’ve ever considered driving drunk, you know that you’re taking a huge risk. If you get pulled over for drunk driving, you could face a number of consequences, including jail time, fines, and a damaged reputation. That’s why so many convicted drunk drivers choose to install an interlock device as part of their sentence. These devices, also known as breathalyzer interlocks, require the driver to blow into a breathalyzer and wait a certain amount of time before being allowed to start the car. If you’ve been convicted of drunk driving in the past and are looking at ways to avoid a jail sentence, interlock devices are a great option. Here’s what you need to know about interlock devices and how they work.