Pulling over for a drunk driving stop is never a fun experience, but it’s also something that anyone can avoid with adequate preparation and forethought. In most states, law enforcement officers have the authority to stop you on the road and administer field sobriety tests if they suspect you might be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If they think you’re impaired and fail the tests, they can also make a DWI arrest based on those results. This article will give you some tips on what to do if you’re pulled over for a DWI in Texas. There are also many resources online where you can learn more about this topic in general and specific advice on how to handle the situation once you’re pulled over.

Don’t panic

The most important thing to remember when you get pulled over for a DWI is not to panic. Panicking is what gets you into trouble in these situations, so try to avoid it as much as possible. When you’re driving, you’re in control of your own fate and your emotions. You are responsible for your own actions, and you have the ability to control your emotions and reactions. If you panic and make a bad decision, you could end up making things even worse for yourself.If you get pulled over for a DWI, it’s important to keep a cool head and try to remain calm. You don’t have to apologize or explain yourself to the officer. Simply remain quiet and cooperative. It’s also important not to attempt to reach for your phone or try to start recording the interaction.

Don’t try to talk your way out of it

As we mentioned above, the best thing you can do if you’re pulled over for a DWI is to remain quiet and cooperative. However, if you’re feeling anxious or nervous and want to talk your way out of it, don’t do it. The officer may let you off with a warning, but they are not obligated to do so. Even if you’re feeling nervous or anxious, it’s important not to try to explain yourself to the officer. You might feel like you need to explain why you were driving drunk, but you don’t have to. Even if you’re feeling nervous or anxious, it’s important to remain silent.

Don’t let them search your car

If the officer asks you to get out of the car and you’re nervous and feeling anxious, you might feel tempted to let them search your car. Don’t do it! If you let them search your car, they could find evidence that you were intoxicated and use it to make a case against you. If you’re anxious or nervous, your body language and reactions could give away that you’re hiding something. It’s best to remain silent and keep your hands visible at all times. If you’re feeling nervous, it’s also important to ask if you can call a friend or family member to come pick you up.

Know your rights

If you’re pulled over for a DWI, it’s important to know your rights. In most states, you have the right to remain silent and not make any statements about the situation. You do not have to talk to the officer. You can also ask for a lawyer if you want one. If you’re feeling nervous or anxious, you can ask for a break to compose yourself before continuing the interaction. If you’re feeling even more anxious, you can ask to use the restroom before continuing the interaction. If the officer finds evidence that you were intoxicated, you can also ask to speak with a lawyer before making any statements.


Pulling over for a DWI is never a fun experience, but it’s something that anyone can avoid with adequate preparation and forethought. In most states, law enforcement officers have the authority to stop you on the road and administer field sobriety tests if they suspect you might be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If they think you’re impaired and fail the tests, they can also make a DWI arrest based on those results. This article will give you some tips on what to do if you’re pulled over for a DWI in Texas. There are also many resources online where you can learn more about this topic in general and specific advice on how to handle the situation once you’re pulled over.