When you’ve been convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or a related offense, your license will be suspended. Your first order of business after getting your license back will be to get an ignition interlock device (IID). An IID is a small device that’s installed in your car’s gas tank. It’s connected to your car’s computer, and it won’t start if the alcohol level in your blood is too high. This way, you won’t be able to drive drunk and put yourself or other drivers at risk. If your car runs out of gas, the IID won’t do you any good; but if you’re intoxicated, you’ll know it and find a place to get more fuel before you run out of time and risk getting caught behind the wheel of a vehicle that doesn’t have a breathalyzer attached to it.

How does an ignition interlock device work?

A breathalyzer test measures the level of alcohol in your blood. If it’s above the legal limit, the car won’t start. But if you’re connected to an IID, it will wait for you to blow into the device before it shuts off the car. If you fail the test, you’ll have to take another one. If you fail a second test, your car will be towed and impounded. You’ll have to get a new car to get back and forth to work, go to your doctor’s appointments, or pick up your children from school.

Why should I get an IID?

If you’ve been convicted of DUI, it’s important that you don’t drive drunk again. An IID is an effective way to enforce the law and keep yourself and other drivers safe. If you get an IID, you’ll be less likely to drive drunk because you’ll have to wait for it to be charged before you can start your car. Also, you’ll be able to monitor your alcohol consumption by tracking how often you use the IID.

How much does an IID cost?

The cost of an IID varies depending on your region, the type of car you drive, and the company that provides the IID. You can expect to pay at least $500 for an IID, but it can cost as much as $2000.If you’re concerned about the cost of an IID, you can apply for financial assistance. For example, in Colorado, the state government offers a financial assistance program that can help lower the cost of an IID for individuals who can’t afford it.

Can I drive without an IID?

If you’re on probation or parole, you’ll have to get an IID. If you’ve been convicted of DUI and get your license back, you’ll have to get an IID within 30 days.If you’re an employee with a company that provides IID devices, you’ll have to get an IID as soon as your company notifies you that you’ve been convicted of DUI.

Can I drive with a friend who has an IID?

You can, but you have to follow a few rules. You can’t drive if your blood alcohol content is above the legal limit, and you can’t let your friend drive without an IID.If you’re a passenger in a car with an IID, you can’t drive if the driver runs out of gas. If you’re in a car with a friend who has an IID, you can’t drive if the car runs out of gas. If you’re in a car without an IID, you can drive if the car runs out of gas.

Summing up

If you’ve been convicted of DUI or a related offense, an IID is a good way to prevent you from driving drunk again. You can get an IID at the time of your conviction, or you can apply for financial assistance to lower the cost.