When you’re pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving, you’ll be asked to take a field sobriety test. If you fail any of these tests, the police will likely charge you with a DWI (driving while intoxicated). If you refuse to take the test, though, you can face even more charges.In Texas, refusing to take a field sobriety test is called “refusing a breathalyzer test” and is treated as a separate criminal charge. It is not the same as refusing to take a breathalyzer test in general. The penalties for refusing a breathalyzer test are severe, and you should always consult with a criminal defense attorney if you are facing this charge.

What are the possible penalties for refusing a field sobriety test?

If you refuse a field sobriety test in Texas, you’ll be charged with a Class C misdemeanor and could face up to a $500 fine and 6 months in jail. If you have a prior conviction for a Class C misdemeanor, you could face up to a $2,000 fine and up to a year in jail. If you are convicted of this charge, you will also face a driver’s license suspension of up to one year.

Is there any way to avoid jail time?

As with all criminal charges, the best way to avoid jail time is to hire a criminal defense attorney who can help you fight the charges. If you are convicted of this charge, the judge will likely sentence you to jail time. However, the judge can sentence you to a lesser sentence if there are extenuating circumstances or if you have a clean record.

Is there any way to avoid a DWI conviction?

As noted above, the best way to avoid a DWI conviction is to hire a criminal defense attorney who can help you fight the charges. If you are arrested for a DWI and fail a field sobriety test, the police officers will likely charge you with a DWI. If you have a prior conviction for a DWI, though, you may be facing even more charges.To avoid a DWI conviction, you should hire a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. If you hire a defense attorney sooner rather than later, you will have more time to prepare your defense. It is never too early to hire a defense attorney for a DWI charge.

Why is it important to hire a DWI defense attorney?

There are several reasons why it is important to hire a DWI defense attorney. First, the field sobriety tests are subjective and can be difficult to pass. If you fail any of these tests, the police will likely charge you with a DWI. Second, the police officers who are conducting the field sobriety tests are trained to look for signs of intoxication. They may be looking for things like bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, or a smell of alcohol on your breath. If you fail any of these tests, you may not be able to pass them if you hire a lawyer.


If you are pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving, the police will likely ask you to take a field sobriety test. If you fail any of these tests, the police will likely charge you with a DWI. If you refuse to take the test, though, you can face even more charges.If you fail any of these tests, the police will likely charge you with a DWI. If you refuse to take the test, though, you can face even more charges. If you are facing these charges, you should hire a criminal defense attorney to fight the charges.