When you get your driver’s license, you’re required to sign a statement acknowledging that you understand the laws regarding driving in the state where you’ve obtained your permit. This not only includes the laws related to the act of driving, but also the consequences for violating them. That means if you’re arrested for drunk driving (or driving under the influence) you not only risk losing your license, but also facing criminal penalties including jail time and fines.If you’ve never had a DUI before, you might assume that the worst case scenario is that you’ll just have to pay for the time you were in jail. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. Depending on the circumstances of your charge, you may be able to fight for lesser penalties or keep your license. Here are some things to keep in mind if you find yourself facing a first time DUI in California:

Get Legal Help

If you’re arrested for drunk driving, you have the right to remain silent and have an attorney present at all stages of the investigation and court proceedings. An attorney can help you navigate this process and may be able to keep you from losing your license. The best thing you can do if you’ve been arrested for drunk driving (or driving under the influence) is to get legal help as soon as possible. An attorney can help you decide on a course of action, including the best strategy for handling your initial court hearing. If you have a strong case, an attorney can help you work with the prosecutor to reach a plea deal that keeps you from losing your license.

Stay Calm and Don’t Talk to the Police Without a Lawyer

When you get pulled over and the police smell alcohol on your breath, the first thing they’ll want to know is if you’re driving drunk. They may also suspect that you’re impaired, which can result in them charging you with a DUI. The best thing to do in this situation is stay calm. Resist the urge to argue with the officers, even if you’re certain that you haven’t been drinking. Instead, you should politely request a phone call to your attorney. If you’re impaired and end up taking a field sobriety test, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to jail. You may be able to avoid jail time if you can prove that you aren’t under the legal limit. However, you should never talk to the police without a lawyer present.

Don’t Accept a BAC Test

When you get arrested for drunk driving, the police will almost certainly request that you take a breathalyzer test. If you refuse to take the test, that’s your right, and it doesn’t have any effect on your case. You can still be convicted of drunk driving. If you do take the test, however, it’s important that you don’t try to trick the machine. The results are not admissible in court, and you’ll face a greater penalty if you’re convicted. A BAC test can be used to prove your level of intoxication, which means if you have a BAC above the legal limit, you’re going to have a harder time fighting the case. If you’re drunk enough, you may be able to negotiate a reduced charge.

Don’t Make Promises to Stay Silent

If you’ve been pulled over for drunk driving and the police ask you to take a field sobriety test, you may feel the urge to offer up a false statement in order to avoid DUI charges. Don’t do it! You aren’t allowed to make any statements to the police, and any statements you make can be used against you in court. If you do talk to the police, they can use your statements against you. Be careful not to say anything that could be used against you. If you’re intoxicated, you’re going to have a tough time keeping your story straight.


There are a number of things you can do if you’re arrested for drunk driving. The first thing you should do is remain calm and avoid talking to the police without a lawyer present. You should also consider accepting a BAC test if the officers ask you to take one. If you do decide to take the test, be careful not to try to trick the machine. You’ll face a greater penalty if you’re convicted if the BAC test shows that you were intoxicated.If you’ve never been arrested for drunk driving before, you’ll likely face some penalties, including a license suspension. However, you may be able to fight for lesser penalties if your case is strong. You should get legal help as soon as possible to get the best possible outcome for your case.